Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Wedding! It was: Perfect, Amazing, Beautiful and Handsome, Radiant, Fun and Inspiring, Surprising and Awesome!

The weather was perfect!
The preparations were amazing!
You were beautiful!
Your groom was handsome!
Your mother was radiant!
The walk was wonderful!
The talks and toasts were fun and inspiring! I have included a thumb drive of my talk, and the text of Allison's!
The dance was surprising! I can't believe we pulled it off! I must have been possessed!
The experience was awesome! Everyone loved It!
My greatest joy was being there to see your lifelong expectations and dreams come true!
Congratulations Mrs. Nolen, I love you!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Guests Arrive, the Rehearsal Dinner and the Bonfire!

Today has been busy! First the weather continues to be spectacular! All the guests are arriving! I have spent much of the day driving back and forth from the dock to the hotel, ferrying guests to their hotels. Allison and Brian arrived with Alex and Emma and we moved into "The Barn", which has two suites - we had the 3rd floor, and Allison, Brian, Emma and Alex had the 2nd floor. We went to the beach with Emma in the afternoon while Alex napped!
We all got ready for the rehearsal dinner at the National Hotel.
Everyone looked great!
It was a lovely affair, hosted by Bill and Claudia Nolen.
We enjoyed cocktails outside,
and then a wonderful dinner inside!
Afterwards we went to the Welcome Bonfire at Ballard's Beach and started to connect with family and friends who had arrived. You surprised everyone at the rehearsal dinner with sweatshirts to wear to the bonfire! Mom and I walked to the ocean and tossed three special coins into the ocean, each accompanied by a special wish we have for you and Jared.
It was a fantastic day! Again, each beautiful day here increases the anticipation of the actual wedding! Not much longer to wait! Tomorrow is the day!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

A Beautiful Day on the Island!

Today we drove from NYC to the ferry at Port Judith, Rhode Island. We left early and avoided traffic for an on time arrival at the ferry. Today the weather is beautiful! And even better, the forecast is good for the weekend! The Island is much busier than when we first visited in April, but still spectacular in its natural beauty. We settled in, then helped you, Jared and Claudia and Bill Nolen deliver some welcome bags to the various hotels for the guests.
We then met my sister, Tiz, and her husband Dave and had a nice dinner at Eli's. One note of caution, our arrival on the island has heightened my anxiety about my speech and the father-daughter dance!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Officiant

Today was a special day. Mom and I drove in from our overnight stop in Allentown, Pa. We arrived early afternoon and met you at your apartment. We then battled midday traffic to go uptown to meet Jared and go Pronovias to pick up your two wedding gowns! Afterward we went back to your apartment to prepare for our evening out. You made plans for us to go to Washington Square Park for "A Taste of the Village." Here we picked samplings from many great restaurants. We had appetizers, beer, wines, main courses and even dessert. There were many choices!
While we were enjoying our food you received a call from the Officiant for your wedding. It seems she broke her ankle this past weekend but didn't call until today. She informed you that she had a fill in. You were not sure about this. It also forces you to redo your marriage license. Nothing like a little drama!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Top Drawer Treasures

Recently I cleaned out the top drawer of my bedroom chest of drawers. It was a fun experience! In this top drawer I had stored all of my special possessions. So cleaning it out was like trip down memory lane. It held things from my marathons, Boy Scouts, from my father and mother, and of course special things from you, Allison and Mom. So I thought I would write a blog entry about the "top drawer treasures" I have from you. I think even you would be surprised.
There is a sand painting in the jar, a tidal pool in the dish, a bracelet you made while making jewelry. There is a small Valentine you sent me, a button of you in your soccer uniform, and of course a Syracuse Dad button. It includes a Peters Photography business card with your senior portrait and a picture of you and me in Indian Princesses. What is not shown is the pile of cards I have gotten from you for birthdays and Father's Days. Like I said, I really enjoyed reviewing these priceless possessions. I hope you enjoyed it too!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Getting Ready to Start East!

Today we closed the pool in preparation for our trip east to your wedding!
Mom packed, and her checklist is now complete! I got a haircut, just a trim, and then packed. Mom practiced tying my bow tie.
I worked on the final draft for my father of the bride speech!
Tomorrow we head out for Allentown on our way to meet you on Wednesday in NYC, and then we will drive to Port Judith on Thursday where we will take the ferry to Block Island!! Weather looks good! No hurricane! This is the last blog entry until after we return to Ohio after your wedding. I will then fill in the missing days for our 100 day countdown!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Buckeyes,The End of Mom's Checklist!

Today Mom and two of her friends, Terry and Chris, spent 3 hours packaging the buckeyes she picked up yesterday!
They created 85 packages of two buckeyes each for the "welcome bags"! Fingers crossed that they will be ok in the car until we arrive on Block Island.
Also, with this task, Mom completed all the items on her wedding checklist! Your checklist must be short also, by now! Weather looks really good! I can't wait!