Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Top Drawer Treasures

Recently I cleaned out the top drawer of my bedroom chest of drawers. It was a fun experience! In this top drawer I had stored all of my special possessions. So cleaning it out was like trip down memory lane. It held things from my marathons, Boy Scouts, from my father and mother, and of course special things from you, Allison and Mom. So I thought I would write a blog entry about the "top drawer treasures" I have from you. I think even you would be surprised.
There is a sand painting in the jar, a tidal pool in the dish, a bracelet you made while making jewelry. There is a small Valentine you sent me, a button of you in your soccer uniform, and of course a Syracuse Dad button. It includes a Peters Photography business card with your senior portrait and a picture of you and me in Indian Princesses. What is not shown is the pile of cards I have gotten from you for birthdays and Father's Days. Like I said, I really enjoyed reviewing these priceless possessions. I hope you enjoyed it too!

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