Thursday, June 30, 2016


You were a very athletic young girl. One of the sports you played was softball.
You played second base and did a great job. I coached your team for one year, and then Mrs. Brown and Mr. Brummitt took over. When Mr. Brummitt coached he had Allison and her friend Sarah assist him.
I think you enjoyed it more when I wasn't coaching. It was kid pitch and finding pitchers was difficult. I remember in one game we were walking lots of people, and we tried many pitchers. You ended up being the only person who could suck it up and focus and get the ball over the plate! I'm sure it was a stressful situation for you, which may even be a bad memory, but I was so proud you were the one who could do it! I think you could have continued with softball in middle school and high school, but you instead chose to focus on golf. You did continue with softball for a little while as an umpire one summer! Do you remember that?

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

"Auntie" Laura

Your most exciting family relationships are relatively new! You are an aunt, specifically, Auntie Laura from NYC! You are an aunt to Allison and Brian's children, Emma and Alex. You are shown below with Emma and Alex on June 7th, 2015, your birthday and the day of your engagement to Jared!
You are also Godmother to them both! Shown below at both Christenings.
It only figures that you would be a fabulous aunt to Allison's children. Your relationship to your sister is so close. You already passed a big test, as you took care of Emma during the birth of Alex! Emma, I'm sure thinks it is really cool to have such a fashionable aunt from such a great city! I'm sure your relationship with both Emma and Alex will grow and you will play an important part in both of their lives. And that makes me very happy! We already know that Jared is also big hit with Emma!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


In April of 2000 we got Gucci. Gucci was a Jack Russell Terrier. We got him from a breeder in a small town next to Laura, Ohio. He was the remaining puppy of the litter. It was your turn to name the family dog. So he became the boy named "Gucci." I don't think he ever had your fashion sense but he did have an attitude. He was a great dog but he needed his own space. Do you remember the Jack Russell "turbos", where he run around like crazy , flying around the room , up and off furniture for 30 seconds or a minute and then all of a sudden would crash to a stop? He never would come when called, and if there was an opening he would escape and we would end up chasing him all over the neighborhood! Here a couple of pictures of you with him when he was a puppy!
Mom had taken care of our other dogs so she asked that I take care of Gucci. That and the fact that I worked from home most of the 16 years of his life created a special bond between us. He followed me everywhere and went everywhere with me: walking, running, biking and in the car. We were virtually inseparable. He was incredibly athletic and would leap on and off the deck and play fetch endlessly. That is why it was so hard to see him in his last few months. The picture of him below is of him his last day, yesterday. On this day he could not stand, walk or eat without assistance.
The 16 years between these pictures of him as a pup and him at the end were the greatest! Gucci was a wonderful dog and he was so loved by all our family! He will be dearly missed! There is a hole in my heart, with him gone!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Indian Princesses

One of my absolute favorite activities we did together was Indian Princesses. If you remember, we started a new tribe in the nation, The Cherokee. Since we were new we had no older girls. We were basically a tribe of 5 year old girls and their dads. You gave me my Indian name of "Flying Bald Eagle" and I gave you your name of "Rainbow Dancer". We had great activities, but the best were the camping trips to Camp Kern. Do you remember the tribal campfires, "Pete's Tower", "the family tree", where we carved our names and "Hershey's Woods?" Here we are in front of the cabin we stayed in. I was the first chief of the Cherokee tribe and that was my tribal headdress.
We did so many great activities: overnights at the Rec Center, hayrides, tribal overnights at Sugarcreek, owl moon hikes, bowling etc. I loved it! Some of the fathers in the tribe became my friends for life. Christie, one of your bridesmaids, was also a Cherokee. For a year I was a nation officer, "The Feather Merchant" shown below in my full regalia.
We spent a great deal of quality time in the Indian Princesses. For most of the activities we rode together in my favorite car ever, the RX7. Do you remember the music we played on that awesome sound system?

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Grandma and Sam

Two people who would very much have liked to attend your wedding but can't are your mother's parents, Grandma and Sam. It has been 25 years this past week that Grandma passed away!
Let's review a little more family history. Sam and Grandma both went to Bucknell University where they met and fell in love. Remember you also fell in love at Bucknell, with the school! They had three children, Uncle Bob, Uncle Peter and of course, your mother. Sam was from Sharon, PA in the western part of the state. Sam had two brothers, Phil and Fred. Grandma's parents were from Brooklyn and Sea Cliff, NY (where Mom's grandfather was Mayor, and his full time job was a decorator in NYC). Grandma was an only child, so she was happy when her family was blessed with three children. Grandma and Sam raised their family on Long Island in both Hicksville and Glen Head. Summer vacations were spent in Sharon and there was a brief time when the family moved to Glen Ellyn, a suburb of Chicago, but moved back to Long Island after about a year. They sent all three of the children off to college and helped them all to three lasting, successful, beautiful and blessed marriages. Grandma and Sam also provided your mother and me a fabulous wedding. It was so classy and traditional! They would love your island location and the wedding on the water! Sam was stricken in his early 60's with Alzheimer's and he and Grandma moved south to Florida with us and enjoyed a year of retirement together before he had to go into a nursing home. Grandma's dedication to Sam was unbelievable. She spent all day, everyday, with him in the nursing home until he died many years later. You were lucky in that Grandma stayed close to us in both Florida and Ohio remaining an important part of our life all those years. I feel sorry for your aunts, uncles and cousins that this dedication prevented her from being present more in their lives as I know she wished. Sam, with his disease was a mere shadow of the vibrant, handsome, successful man he was before you were first born. My first thought of them is that they would enjoy your wedding I know that when I walk you down the aisle, we will be continuing their legacy of family, joy and love. And somewhere they will be smiling and sharing this wonderful experience with us.

Saturday, June 25, 2016


Mom and I have been married for 44 years today!
On June 25th, 1972 we were married in Sea Cliff, NY, at St. Luke's Episcopal Church. This was the same church that Mom's parents were married in as well as her brother Bob and his wife Jane. Mom and both of her brothers were also baptized there. The weather for the 5 PM wedding was fine. The preceding hours and days were not. The first tropical storm of the year, Agnes, was in full force. Two of my groomsmen could not make the wedding, as well as several other college friends from Pennsylvania. Our reception, held at The Renaissance Club in Roslyn Heights, was beautiful! Jane and I left the Renaissance (after a wonderful reception) and stayed the night at the International Hotel at JFK before departing the next day for Bermuda. 44 years later here we are anticipating your and Jared's wedding. The best wish I could have for you is 44 years like your mom and I have had together. I hope September 17th has no tropical storms surprise like we had!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Uncle Don and Aunt Rosamond

Let's talk a little bit more about family, but this time more recent and not frightening, Uncle Don and Aunt Rosamond.
Uncle Don was Donald R. Stevenson. He was my mother's older brother. He was a good athlete in high school, and won a scholarship to Lawrence Academy where he prepped a year before attending Columbia University on a football scholarship. That's right, the Ivy League awarded athletic scholarships then. He played for the legendary Columbia coach Lou Little. He also won the intramural championship in wrestling (something I also did at Susquehanna my freshman year). When Allison was accepted at Syracuse we started seeing Uncle Don and Aunt Rosamond on a regular basis, as we would stay with them when we visited Allison. One of my greatest joys was when you chose to go to Syracuse and we would renew the relationship we had with Uncle Don and Aunt Rosamond for another 4 years! Sadly, Uncle Don died just after you were accepted. This allowed you to develop a very special relationship with Aunt Rosamond over those four years. You both share a sense of fashion and style. Recently you visited her and she gave you a special gift of jewelry that Uncle Don had given her for her wedding. You plan to wear some of it at your wedding. Rosamond married Uncle Don after she lost her husband. She has two children, from the earlier marriage, Laurie and Nina, who went on to have stage directing and acting careers. Both were launched by Godspell which was written as a masters thesis at Carnegie Mellon where Nina attended. This play also launched the career of Stephen Schwartz who wrote the music and lyrics and went on to do the same for Pippin and Wicked. Aunt Rosamond also graduated from Syracuse University. She played the piano professionally after graduation and even though she suffers from arthritis she still plays! This fall Aunt Rosemond, who is currently 96 years old, will move from a lifetime in Syracuse to California to be close to Nina and Laurie and their respective families. I know she is a very special person to you as was Uncle Don to me!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Little "Frightening" Family History, "The Old Man."

A little more family history today! I know this picture frightened you as a child and you have told me that you don't want to keep it but maybe sell it. In fact, I remember that when you were in 3rd grade and we went to your parent-teacher conference, Mrs. Aiken asked us about "the picture"! Apparently, you had either written about it, or told her about how it scared you! This is your sixth great grandfather. His name is Pearson Parvin, and as you might guess from his attire, he was a Quaker. I have been looking at this portrait as long as I can remember. It always was prominently displayed in our house while I was growing up. Now you will recall, it resides in our den. Underneath the portrait is a framed copy of his marriage certificate.You can't read it from the picture, but according to this document he was from Barbados. He married Sarah Care from Philadelphia on June 14, 1792. The marriage certificate was witnessed by all in attendance at the ceremony. This included many prominent Philadelphia families including the Biddles. Owen Biddle was in attendance. He fought in the Revolutionary War, had a brother who was a delegate to the Continental Congress, and one his relatives was Nicholas Biddle who became the President of the 2nd National Bank (we had these before the Federal Reserve).

The portrait was painted by Bass Otis, a famous Early American artist. There is a matching portrait of his wife Sarah, which resides with the Blanchards. The Parvins became a prominent Philadelphia family themselves, and Aunt Tiz has the original wedding certificate.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


I have told you of the absolute joy of having two daughters. What makes it even better is the loving, caring relationship you have for each other. Despite the 7 years between you, you are active and supportive in each others lives. When you were little, Allison watched over you as a big sister.
When you were playing softball Allison was one of your coaches.
When she went to Syracuse you were always included with her dorm friends.
When it came time to decide on college for yourself you chose Syracuse, and you and Allison became "Syracuse Sister's.
You became her maid of honor!
When Allison had Emma and Alex you became a Godmother and an Aunt!
In your wedding Allison will be your Matron of Honor!
You and Allison, my two lovely daughters! Sisters Forever!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Roof Rack (Family Car #2)

In the summer of 1987 we bought our first minivan, a big purchase for our young family It was a new Plymouth Voyager. What is important about this is that it had an optional roof rack. That summer we headed east to NJ, Ocean Grove and NYC. Mom was a bit annoyed with me that we did not use the roof rack on this trip. In November we took a trip back east, with Grandma. The trip was for Thanksgiving at Uncle Peter's and Aunt Georgia's house in Stillwater, NJ. We had a lot of luggage. I argued it could all fit in the van. Mom said we bought this car with the roof rack and we would be a lot more comfortable if we stored some luggage up there. I did not have a container for the luggage, with proper fasteners to the roof rack. All I had were some Kmart bungee cords. Mom was insistent, so I put Mom's and my suitcases on top, secured with the Kmart bungee cords. Well we made it to Interstate 70 just east of Columbus when a suitcase blew off the roof and hit the highway behind us (no car was close by, whew!) It spun around and flipped over before coming to rest in the grass median. Mom and I had identical Samsonite suitcases,so we didn't know whose it was until Allison said it was Mom's. I asked her how she knew that. She said, "because it opened, and I can see her clothes." I pulled the car over to the shoulder of the highway and retrieved Mom's suitcase. (see below.)
I then loaded all the luggage inside the car. It was a very crowded and quiet ride for the next few hours! For our next few trips I borrowed Mr. England's car top carrier, which we could properly fasten to the roof rack. A few years later we bought our second minivan, a Dodge Caravan that also had an optional roof rack! We had many adventures in this car! Remember it breaking down on the way to Florida and Kristin's wedding? On the same trip back East as the roof rack incident, we went to NYC the day after Thanksgiving. I was trying to find a place to park when we got caught up in the anti-fur parade coming down 5th avenue. All of a sudden we were surrounded with people chanting "Don't buy fur!" Soon everyone in the car was chanting as well and the van was rocking! This was also the car Allison learned to drive on. The picture at the top is her on the first day of her license!

Monday, June 20, 2016


When we moved to Ohio, Mom would not let us have a dog right away. That is because our two previous dogs: Michelob, a crazy English Springer Spaniel (you didn't know) and Cuddles (previously referenced), I bought without her permission. You could say they were both a bad surprise. This time Mom was in charge and she chose a beagle puppy that we brought home in December of 1987. Allison got to name her and she chose Hershey.
For the longest time you stayed on the sofa, afraid to come down on the floor with Hershey. You can see from this picture that even months later you kept a safe distance.
There are many stories about Hershey: Once a hawk flew down the chimney and we found Hershey under the bed. The time Hershey ran away and Mom went out with you in the car (I had taken Allison and Bethany to ski lessons.)It was dark, and Mom couldn't find Hershey, so she returned home only to find Hershey,later on, waiting to come in the back door. Or the time Mom was in charge of the Girl Scout Cookies, and we had them in cardboard cases in the living room. Hershey ate through the cardboard to get to the boxes of Thin Mints - she ate an entire box. Or the time you had a soccer match at Forest Field and I ran over with Hershey. I noticed she did not want to come, but I kept running with a rope around my waist and Hershey at the end of it. I finally got tired of her pulling and I went back to look. She had been trying to brake and I kept pulling and I wore the pads off of her feet. She normally loved to run with me, but for a while she just looked at me and growled. You, while taking piano, even composed a song about Hershey "Hershey, Hershey, Hershey, is a very fat dog..." We all loved her and after 13 years she had brain cancer and we had to put her down, but not before you chronicled her last days on video. That act is the impetus behind my blog of Gucci's last days. Hershey's ashes are spread in Sugarcreek Reserve, where she spent many happy hours running.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

The greatest gift in life, bar none, is being a father! You and Allison have been the joys of my life! I can't wait to walk you down the aisle! That will happen in less than 3 months! I hope that you and Jared are blessed with children so that someday you can share the happiness that you and Allison have given us. Parenthood is the gift that keeps giving! We have shared so many precious father-daughter moments. This blog will speak to many of them. The walk down the aisle on Block Island will be one of the most memorable. Here is one that I cherish from the Father-Daughter Dance your senior year in high school.
Father's Day for me also brings fond memories of my childhood. My dad, Donald William McClain (Pop-Pop to you) was a member of "The Greatest Generation", as they called it. They secured victory in World War II and brought about a legacy of prosperity that we share today. Below is a picture of my dad from the war.
My father was a great man and decorated war hero, but to me he was a great dad. He taught me to play baseball, coached some of my teams, helped with all of my activities and projects, always had time to play catch and come to my games. When I was in college, my parents traveled all over the east coast to just about every football game I started in for 3 years! Most of all, he was my lifelong mentor! Mom and Dad were children of the depression. They had nothing as children, but they gave me everything. I wanted for nothing. But in the end the thing they gave me that meant the most was their unconditional support and love. Today was another wonderful Father's Day, but with you and Allison I feel like everyday is Father's Day. Thank you!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Long Island Connection

Mom told me that you and Jared went to the Hamptons this weekend. I thought this would be and opportune time to go over your family's Long Island roots. Mom as you know was born in Glen Cove and raised in Glen Head, Long Island (North Shore). She went to Girl Scout camp in Easthampton - Camp Blue Bay. It is still there, and I think you have seen it. She also frequented Jones Beach on summer weekends while in high school. But your LI roots are deeper than that. Your mom's grandfather Carl Willich (Charles William Henry)and his wife Madeline lived in a brownstone in Brooklyn. Carl had an interior decorating business "Home Shoppes" at 509 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. They had a Victorian summer home in Sea Cliff. Eventually they sold the brownstone and moved to Sea Cliff when your grandmother, Carol Willich, was two. Carl even was elected Mayor of Sea Cliff! In 1950 they moved to 6 Meadow Lane, Glen Head. When Carl died, mom and her family moved into the house and converted the garage into an apartment for Madeline. It was Mom's home in high school and when I started to date her in college. I hated the drive from Pearl River to Mom's home. The traffic was a nightmare. I remember one time when I was travelling over the George Washington Bridge to visit her when traffic came to a halt. I heard on the radio that due to flooding the Cross Bronx Expressway was closed. Eventually Grandma and Sam sold that hose and moved to Connecticut. My father's roots are also in Long Island. His mom, Willetta and dad, Daniel Wakefield McClain lived in Brooklyn. He owned a furniture store. I think it was in Brooklyn. They eventually moved to Westwood, NJ where my dad, Donald William McClain, and his older sister, Doris were born and raised. The family was hit hard by the depression, and Daniel lost his business. He became sick and never physically recovered. Both Daniel and Willetta are buried in Greenwood cemetery in Brooklyn. Mom and I visited several years ago,but never found their graves (no headstones). Did you know that the house on 6 Meadow Lane is a "mother-daughter" home with a separate apartment attached to the main home? Maybe you and Jared can buy it and we can come live with you! Just kidding!!!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Grumpy Pumpkin

One of my favorite father daughter activities was Halloween! Mom would help you with your costume, and my job was to walk around with you as you did your "trick or treating." Jane was so creative. This was your second Halloween (in Florida), and you were a pumpkin. A big part of the costume was your floating bathing suit! I think you were tired from trick or treating, and there was no way we were going to separate you from your M&M's!
Even as you got older Mom wanted me to follow you, at a distance, when you were with a group of friends on Halloween. I always enjoyed it! This second picture is from Ohio. You were Goofy, Allison was a witch, and guess who was Santa? Mom was the photographer, but she was dressed as an Indian. (Not very PC) Anyway, we were on our way to a neighborhood Halloween party at the Redman's house, just down the street.
I even remember one Halloween in Ohio, when we went trick or treating in about 4" of snow! Do you remember that?

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Fort

One of the things dads are supposed to do is to build stuff.  I have never been very good at building things.  However, I built you and Allison a playground fort and I did it twice!  It was quite a project!  I built it from a set of plans I bought from Better Homes and Gardens.  It was not a kit.  I had these plans which told me what to buy and how to build it.  I did it all by myself.  It had  a baby swing,  a regular swing and a set of rings.  It was over 10 feet tall because I attached a basketball backboard and rim to it. You could climb up a ladder to a platform on top.  I built it twice, because your mom had only one condition for me when we moved to Ohio.  She told me I had to build another fort.  It took about a year to get around to it.  But I built an exact replica from the same set of plans.  Again all by myself.

One interesting fact was that the fort was supported by 4X4 posts.  In Ohio I had to use a fence post digger to get them in the ground.  In Florida it was easier - I just stuck each post in a small hole I had dug,  put a hose in the hole,  the running water pushed the sand out,  and the post sank deeper into the ground!.

These  first three pictures are of you and the fort in our backyard in New Port Richey.

This is the fort in our backyard in Dayton!

I also built Allison a doll house.  So I still owe you a doll house.  If you and Jared are lucky enough to have a daughter,  maybe I can build it for her!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

"Call Franc Egglehoffer!"

The wedding venue is all set. It is the picturesque and historic hotel, The Spring House, on Block Island. Well, that is what I thought until I got your text message "Call Franc Egglehoffer."  You sent me the link to a real estate listing in Alhambra, California.  When I opened it and I showed your mother we couldn't believe our eyes.  The house in "The Father of the Bride" movie was for sale.

Here is a picture of it with the prospective sellers.

Maybe it could be available for a September 17th wedding?  That was when you texted we should call Franc.  That movie was enjoyed by our whole family, unlike any other movie (except maybe "Elf.".)

All joking aside, we are all so excited about the Spring House!  The Father of The Bride wedding was great, but yours and Jared's will be spectacular!

Just about 3 months until we all we assemble here!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Just shortly after you turned two we moved to Ohio.  We moved to Washington Township/Centerville.  We attended the Americana Festival held in Centerville every fourth of July. Over the years we marched in parades (Indian Princesses) and ran in the 5K  that occurred every 4th of July.  I noticed at that first festival that there seemed to be no derelicts in Centerville, at least at the American Festival.  Florida had it's share of derelicts and their absence was striking to me.
Here was our first house in Ohio -  2624 Woodbluff Lane.

This year your Mom and I will have lived in Ohio for 30 years - more than we lived anywhere else!  You lived in Ohio, except for the first 2 years, until you graduated from high school. You then became a New Yorker, attending Syracuse for four years and then living in NYC since,  totaling now 14 years in the Empire State!

Here is our second house in Ohio - 1012, Treeside Court.

I think you will always have a soft spot for Ohio State football.  The year after you graduated from high school they won the national championship with a high school classmate of yours, AJ Hawk, starting on that team.

Your still maintain close friendships with many of your high school classmates.  Ohio will be well represented at your wedding!

Monday, June 13, 2016

First Birthday and Steps

It's your first birthday, and here is your first bear cake!   Aunt Tiz is playing with you.

It was around this time that you started to scream at me at the dinner table, for no apparent reason.  You would just look at me and start to scream - no tears, just a scream.  We were never quite sure why you did this but it made family meals memorable.

Interestingly enough you waited until you got to Nantucket, a month after your first birthday, to take your first steps.  You will be returning to Nantucket in two months for your bachelorette party.

On Nantucket we enjoyed some family biking! Of course we has to stop here at the ice cream parlor! It is right in the middle of the "downtown" area of shops and restaurants. Check out Mom's hair!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The "Perfect" Bridal Shower

Your Mom said the shower was perfect!  What do you think!

The "Perfect Place"  on a "perfect" day with great food and drink!

The "Perfect" Planners

"Perfect" Preparations

"Perfect "Petti4's

With the "Perfect" mix of Family

And Friends

And of course, the "Perfect" Bride To Be

I think it was "Perfect"