Wednesday, June 29, 2016

"Auntie" Laura

Your most exciting family relationships are relatively new! You are an aunt, specifically, Auntie Laura from NYC! You are an aunt to Allison and Brian's children, Emma and Alex. You are shown below with Emma and Alex on June 7th, 2015, your birthday and the day of your engagement to Jared!
You are also Godmother to them both! Shown below at both Christenings.
It only figures that you would be a fabulous aunt to Allison's children. Your relationship to your sister is so close. You already passed a big test, as you took care of Emma during the birth of Alex! Emma, I'm sure thinks it is really cool to have such a fashionable aunt from such a great city! I'm sure your relationship with both Emma and Alex will grow and you will play an important part in both of their lives. And that makes me very happy! We already know that Jared is also big hit with Emma!

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