Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

The greatest gift in life, bar none, is being a father! You and Allison have been the joys of my life! I can't wait to walk you down the aisle! That will happen in less than 3 months! I hope that you and Jared are blessed with children so that someday you can share the happiness that you and Allison have given us. Parenthood is the gift that keeps giving! We have shared so many precious father-daughter moments. This blog will speak to many of them. The walk down the aisle on Block Island will be one of the most memorable. Here is one that I cherish from the Father-Daughter Dance your senior year in high school.
Father's Day for me also brings fond memories of my childhood. My dad, Donald William McClain (Pop-Pop to you) was a member of "The Greatest Generation", as they called it. They secured victory in World War II and brought about a legacy of prosperity that we share today. Below is a picture of my dad from the war.
My father was a great man and decorated war hero, but to me he was a great dad. He taught me to play baseball, coached some of my teams, helped with all of my activities and projects, always had time to play catch and come to my games. When I was in college, my parents traveled all over the east coast to just about every football game I started in for 3 years! Most of all, he was my lifelong mentor! Mom and Dad were children of the depression. They had nothing as children, but they gave me everything. I wanted for nothing. But in the end the thing they gave me that meant the most was their unconditional support and love. Today was another wonderful Father's Day, but with you and Allison I feel like everyday is Father's Day. Thank you!


  1. I love you and hope that I can make you proud! Ps Pop pop was so handsome!

    1. Laura, You have made me incredibly proud! I finished my Father's Day book, "Shoe Dog". It was a great read! Thank you for everything!
      Love, Dad
