Tuesday, June 28, 2016


In April of 2000 we got Gucci. Gucci was a Jack Russell Terrier. We got him from a breeder in a small town next to Laura, Ohio. He was the remaining puppy of the litter. It was your turn to name the family dog. So he became the boy named "Gucci." I don't think he ever had your fashion sense but he did have an attitude. He was a great dog but he needed his own space. Do you remember the Jack Russell "turbos", where he run around like crazy , flying around the room , up and off furniture for 30 seconds or a minute and then all of a sudden would crash to a stop? He never would come when called, and if there was an opening he would escape and we would end up chasing him all over the neighborhood! Here a couple of pictures of you with him when he was a puppy!
Mom had taken care of our other dogs so she asked that I take care of Gucci. That and the fact that I worked from home most of the 16 years of his life created a special bond between us. He followed me everywhere and went everywhere with me: walking, running, biking and in the car. We were virtually inseparable. He was incredibly athletic and would leap on and off the deck and play fetch endlessly. That is why it was so hard to see him in his last few months. The picture of him below is of him his last day, yesterday. On this day he could not stand, walk or eat without assistance.
The 16 years between these pictures of him as a pup and him at the end were the greatest! Gucci was a wonderful dog and he was so loved by all our family! He will be dearly missed! There is a hole in my heart, with him gone!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this on such a difficult day. you posted my favorite photos! I will treasure these for a long time:)
