Wednesday, August 10, 2016

College Visits!

Some of my most enjoyable father-daughter time was when we visited colleges! We visited 8 colleges in 5 states! We visited Ohio State, Indiana, Syracuse, Cornell, Bucknell, Babson, Bentley and Boston College. You narrowed those down to Ohio State, Indiana, Bucknell, Babson and Syracuse. You were accepted by all and earned honors admission to both IU and OSU. It came down to Bucknell and Syracuse. You and I, just the two of us, visited these two schools. You finally decided on Syracuse after attending an academic fair at the school. Syracuse awarded you a President's Scholarship (which helped greatly financially) You had a dual major (business and retail). You graduated, with honors, Summa Cum Laude, with special recognition from the Whitman Business School! The Dean even referenced you in his commencement speech! With all of your academic success you had a strong group of friends who graduated with you! They are pictured below.
It is interesting to note that all of these girls except Christina (who was too pregnant at the time to attend) were in your spectacular wedding! Mom and I are very proud of you and your achievements!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. That is such an interesting point you make! Made some friends for life!
