Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Holidays and Family!

A wonderful thing about our family is that even though we are living apart geographically we still manage to remain close and get together for holidays. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving! You know, "food family and football." The last years have been the hardest to get together! But there never was a year that you, Allison Mom and I were not together either Christmas or Thanksgiving. That means you, Allison, Mom and I have enjoyed either Christmas and/ or Thanksgiving together for 32 years straight (I'm counting last year's day after Christmas with Allison as Christmas). That is quite a record, one I hope we keep extending! Uncle Rich and I have shared either Christmas or Thanksgiving together for over 50 years! Unfortunately last year was the first year we did not see each other for either holiday in a long time. But you and Jared, and Aunt Tiz and Uncle David joined us for Thanksgiving! As your family grows, I hope we can all be together at least one of those special days. What do you think? Is that a good goal? Here are some pictures of those holidays! A Christmas Eve at our house!
A Christmas at Rich and Karen's!
Another Christmas at 1012!
And a wet Thanksgiving at the Macy's Parade in NYC!

1 comment:

  1. Allison and I will continue this tradition as our families grow!
