Sunday, August 28, 2016

Semester at Sea!

This entry kind of follows along with the find your passion theme! I believe for you a passion is travel. You displayed this passion by taking "The Semester at Sea!" You spent the second semester of your junior year at SU by taking an academic cruise around the world. You were challenged from the beginning, as we told you we did not have the extra money you would need to do this. On your own you went to your academic scholarship sponsor at Syracuse, Eric Rothfeld, to see if he would give you the same amount of your scholarship amount to the University of Pittsburgh. He did, so you could go! It was an amazing experience that your mother and I participated in vicariously. We were so proud of you! But we also worried a bit. Especially, when your boat was struck by a rogue wave in the North Pacific and lost power! We heard about that from Allison. She was at work in the newsroom and saw the newsfeed come in . It was early in the morning our time, but she wanted to let us know that it was a serious situation. After a stressful day being glued to the news, and checking the SAS website, you called us in the middle of the night to let us know you were ok. We could hear the nervousness and fear in your voice, but you assured us that things were under control. The boat ended up being escorted by the Coast Guard very slowly to Hawaii where you spent a few days while the ship's damaged was examined. You lost Japan and Korea from your journey but recovered quickly and you went to places we have only dreamed of: China, Vietnam, India, Kenya, South Africa, Brazil and Venezuela. It was great to welcome you home at Ft. Lauderdale and we all greeted you with this sign!
Your next great travel adventure will be with Jared, back to Africa, on your honeymoon! I'm sure there will be many other great travels in your future! Bon Voyage!

1 comment:

  1. Travel is definitely my passion and Jared shares that with me as well!
